Design Philosphy
We have have teamed up with KenzFigee (cranes & offshore equipment design and manufacturing) to offer a cost efficient transshipment crane barge combination to meet the specific needs of the dry bulk & break bulk transshipment market.
The Conoship designed transshipment barge provides a safe & efficient vessel for worldwide operation in harbours, inland and coastal waters. The tailor-made design ensures 360° visibility from the office/control room amidships in accordance with ILO-MLC 2006 regulations. The design guarantees easy access for maintenance of all equipment and structural items whilst providing maximum comfort in modern, durable living quarters and work spaces.
The high quality KenzFigee designed Lemniscate crane for floating applications in harbor and/or coastal conditions, has given the company a prominent position in the industry, and still is very popular. It offers counter balanced high capacity transshipment of up to 2,000 tonnes per hour, whilst maintaining stability and buoyance of the barge. The Lemniscate crane is the best choice for high volumes transshipment capacity.
An efficient and environmental transshipment solution with the right balance between operational and capital costs!