Innovation is an elementary part of a Conoship-design: this distinguishes our new designs from existing vessels. To stay at the fore-front of developments in Maritime Technology and to apply the latest innovations we have a strong focus on Research and Development.
Most of our new vessels are based on ‘proven designs’ but are always designed to achieve a great added valve. We believe that all of our newly gained experience should lead to further optimization, if possible in logical solutions that combine economy & ecology, saving both money and the environment. Some examples:
- Fuel-saving aftship-design ‘ConoDuctTail©’, based on integrated CFD-analysis. Applied on a series of 3.700tdw Sea-River vessels for long-term customer Wijnne Barends.
- Wind-assisted propulsion with ‘eConowind-Unit’, easy to fit on existing cargo vessels, leading to fuel-savings of 20 to 40%. If you are interested in wind assisted propulsion please visit the website of Econowind.
- Slow-steaming ‘eCONOprop’-analysis, to investigate possible fuel-savings at (reduced) eco-speed by adapting the propulsion-system of existing vessels.
- LNG-propulsion for Dredgers such as the TSHD Ecodelta and for Short Sea Shipping such as an ice-strengthed RoLo vessel.