Design Philosophy GeoRanger
Based on the extensive requirements of Geo Plus, we designed the shallow draught hydrographic survey vessel “Geo Ranger”, including seakeeping analysis, DP capability study, and tender documentations for the shipyard selection. After contract signing between Koninklijke Niestern Sander en Geo Plus, we also provided the complete naval architecture and construction design and engineering to the shipyard.
Geo Ranger can be considered as (one of) the best survey vessels in its class. Standards for a survey vessel get higher every year and project timeframes get shorter. This means a survey vessel has to offer the highest performance and flexibility as possible. The combination of an optimized hull shape, a strong DP2 capability, two high class Azimuth stern thrusters and two bow thrusters (Veth) results in a high workability up to 2,5 meter significant wave height and 4+ weeks offshore endurance.
The vessel uses energy in a sustainable way with respect for the environment. This means the vessel uses for example diesel/electric propulsion for low fuel consumption, heat recovery, LED lightning and bio-degradable oil.
Geo Ranger was launched at the Koninklijke Niestern Sander Shipyard in March 2020.