3,002 tdw fish feed carrier Eidsvaag Omega

Design Philosophy 

For the Dutch company Hartman Marine Shipbuilding, Conoship International provided the stability documentation for Class approval after the conversion of the general cargo vessel Baltic (the first vessel of the ‘R2 Carrier’ serie) to a fish feed carrier for the new owner Eidsvaag, based in Dyrvik, Norway.

The conversion of the vessel included the installation of a gantry crane, a dedicated load handling and discharging system, three extra generator sets, and two extra compact jet thrusters for DP capability at the salmon farms in the Norwegian fjords.

Main particulars
Length over all 92.90m
Length between perpendiculars84.99m
Breadth moulded14.00m
Breadth extreme15.00m
Depth to main deck8.30m
Draught (design)5.00m
Deadweight @ T = 5.00 m3,002t
Gross Tonnage3,000GT
Nett Tonnage900NT
Service speed12kn
Main engine1,200bkW
Auxiliary generator sets3 x 500 bkW
Bow thruster300bkW
Compact jet thruster fwd200bkW
Stern thruster250bkW
Compact jet thruster aft200bkW
Cargo hold details
Dimensions hold63.80 × 12.50 × 8.30m
Tanktop load15.00t/m2
Tween deck load5.00t/m2
Hatch cover load3.50t/m2
Tank Capacity
Ballast water1,735m3
Fuel oil (MGO)242m3
Potable water86m3

Pictures courtesy of Shipspotting.com | Frode Adolfsen and Marcel & Ruud Coster

© Conoship International