
eConowind-unit at sea


CONOSHIP International decreases significantly the ecological footprint of shipping

Conoship International B.V. is in continuous innovation since 1952. The passionate team of Conoship International delivers the next level in ship design by introducing equipment which support the positive human impact on Earth’s ecosystem.

Since 2017, Conoship has been developing the eConowind-unit which is used to reduce emissions and fuel consumption. The unit has two foldable VentiFoils which create a superior thrust. Two, four or six units can be fitted on a vessel. In the case of two eConowind-units on a vessel with 5000 ton cargo, it is expected that the average fuel savings and reduction of emissions will be between 10 to 20%. The first trials of testing at sea have been successful and the results are promising. Therefore, Conoship International makes a big step towards emission free shipping.

Conoship strives to add more value to the development of new as well as future equipment which will decrease the ecological footprint. In this manner, the organization advocates the philosophy of a global citizenship by initiating a forthcoming transition to the usage of more renewable energy systems. As a result, Conoship has launched and is involved in several research projects for alternative fuels. In the next years, Conoship will present designs for a fleet that will be able to fulfil any foreseeable future demands, up to zero-emission.